A nosa compañía lanzou unha nova serie de nube de xeo de aire acondicionado. Redefining comfort on the go with its low power consumption and a strikingly unique design. Stay cool effortlessly with our latest in-car cooling innovation! RVs come equipped with a variety of appliances to make you feel right at home while traveling or when you're off the grid. When it gets hot in the warmer months, you need to stay cool if you want to stay comfortable. RV air conditioning will keep you and other passengers cool. Most air conditioners are installed on the roof of the RV. Before your next vacation, make sure you're set and ready to go.
Aforra enerxía con baixo consumo de amplificadores e é moi tranquilo ao operar cun nivel de ruído de 55dB no seu nivel máis baixo. Ten lecturas de Fahrenheit e Celsius, así como un temporizador que podes configurar se queres que se apague nun momento determinado.
Os tubos de cobre no evaporador e o condensador aumentan a superficie de refrixeración.
Before purchasing an air conditioner for your RV, you should consider the climate of your travel destination. Isto pode axudarche a decidir canto potencia de CA necesitas. Tamén é conveniente asegurarse de ter o poder suficiente para executar o aire acondicionado e outros electrodomésticos. You should also consider outfitting your RV with solar panels to add more power when needed.
Ao executar a potencia de CA, o consumo de enerxía será maior, especialmente se outros equipos están a funcionar ao mesmo tempo. According to To Go RV, “RV air conditioners can draw up to 2,400 watts of power when starting up, then drop to about 1,500 watts as operation continues. When running other appliances at the same time, such as microwaves, electric water heaters, or refrigerators, RVs can easily run faster than the available power.”
Tempo de publicación: decembro 22-2023